The best JavaScript Podcasts — 2019
So you’re that hooked and eager to learn even while you’re away from the laptop? Hopefully, this list of JavaScript Podcasts will ease the coding withdrawal symptoms while you exercise, go outside or even sit elsewhere to give your eyes a break from the screen.
Syntax has become my favourite podcast to listen to! Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski are some of the best JavaScript content creators on the web, as they collaborate on this, I personally think it’s their best content. As a bonus, Wes Bos sometimes includes BBQ tips ❤.
This is one of the best-established JavaScript Podcasts. You know it’s a good Podcast when even the daddy of JavaScript Brendan Eich has been interviewed on the show. Some great guests and episodes suitable no matter what stage in your JavaScript journey you are at.
Again not a totally JavaScipt Podcast but does have an entire JavaScript section called JS Party this is definitely one of the best out there.
Frontend Happy Hour has panellists from companies like LinkedIn, Netflix, and Apple which can help us understand some different topics in the frontend space from some of the best in the industry. With over 60 episodes at the time of typing, there’s plenty to keep you learning.
Want to keep up to date with the latest modern tools like React, Angular and Vue? Modern Web is all about the latest tooling in Web Development space.
Not just for JavaScript, Chris Coyier, Alex Vazquez, and Tim Sabat — the co-founders of CodePen discuss everything from starting your own business to the newest trends in JavaScript.

Is there any JavaScript Podcasts you think I missed and worthy of a mention?